For many who just starting to dive into the world of affiliate marketing the following tips may help you a little. Without further ado let's start with the list ...
1. Affiliate marketing is not easy money.
Some people do make easy online but that because they are lucky or smart or both. For most people like you and me it is hard work. Don't worry though; your perseverance will pay eventually.
2. Don't promote too many products at once.
You will just get swamped with too many ideas and work if you do this. Instead, choose a couple of trustworthy affiliate programs offering good products that pays well and complement each other. Focus your effort on promoting those products. Try your hardest to make the first sale then repeat to make your second, third and so on.
3. Take your time to learn.
To be a good affiliate marketer you need to master some essential skills like writing and SEO. Focus on one skill at a time and try to get the hang of it before moving on to the next skill. For example if you can not write a good promotional email or sales page try to learn as much as you can about it and practice.
4. Do not use the same promotional emails and articles as any other affiliates.
If don't customize them you will be competing with hundreds and thousand other affiliates who are also using them. Whatever products you're promoting always customize and fine tune the emails and articles so you can state the exact benefits of the product to your specific audience.
5. Give it some time.
It took me 6 months to see any significant money from my fist effort in mid 2004. I made a programming tutorial site back then with around 20 pages or so and after three months I gave up because the money (I was using AdSense) is so disappointing. However, in early 2005 I checked my AdSense stats and saw that I made about $300 on December. The search engines were giving high rank for my website and it received thousands of visitors daily.
Maybe this is not such a good example but I firmly believe that success takes time - both in online and offline world. Don't give up too soon. In the future you will regret it and wish that you spend more time into your internet marketing venture.
6. Spend your money wisely
There are thousands of e-books sold today explaining how to make money on the internet and all kinds online business opportunities. You can be sure that most of them are basically explaining the same method so there is no need to buy each and everyone of them. Use your common sense before taking your credit card out of your wallet.
7. Keep your day job (if you still have one)
I "left" my job because the company I worked for went belly up. I decided to go full time making money online since the money I made from my sites already three times bigger than my paycheck. However if you still have a day job keep it! Don't write that resignation letter just yet. In case your online venture take longer to succeed than you expect the monthly paycheck you get from your day job can keep the food on the table for your family.
8. Learn to discipline yourself.
Keep a schedule or to do list, be flexible about it but make sure you stick to it. For example if you plan to write and submit four articles today make sure you actually write four. Taking a break, nap or play games every time you finish an article is okay but you write those articles even if you have to stay up late to finish the last one.
You can find many more affiliate marketing tips (plus lots and lots of other money making tips) here:
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