SEO: Increase Backlink To Increase Traffic

Increasing the backlinks to your Website will help to increase the number of people who view it. Increased quality traffic will bring you more leads which will turn into greater sales and higher repeating customers.

You can increase backlinks by writing informative articles about your Website's niche.

Submitting your article should be the first thing you do to start to increase backlinks. Give your article some thought and make it unique. A keyword is part of writing your article and should be giving some good thought and research. Choose a keyword that has a lot of demand but little supply. In other words, choose a keyword that has many searches but few articles. This part is harder than you might think but will pay off high in the end.

Did you notice that I said quality traffic will bring in more leads?

To increase backlinks takes time so you might as well search out the quality traffic. Quality, high PR traffic will help rank you in the search engines. To increase your quality backlinks find linking opportunities within discussion forums related to your site's topic. When leaving comments in a forum, be sure it's an informative comment. Your comment should add value to the discussion group.

Tip: To increase your backlinks by leaving a comment in a forum, be sure to add your URL to your signature! Your signature is your backlink.

Increase backlinks to boost your Google page ranking.

Google and the other search engines will give you ranking by the number of backlinks you have. To get quality backlinks, write your articles and comment on forums which pertain to your keyword. The more you can use your keyword the more weight it will carry and the higher it will be ranked by the search engines.When writing articles, increase backlinks by the placement of your keyword.

  • Always add a page title and try to place your keyword in the front. You're page title is typically weighted more than most any other text on the page.
  • Add your keyword tags and comment tags. These tags will help others find your article faster. Tags may be given less weight than your page copy but they are still very important to help your audience find your article.
  • Be sure that you bold and link some of you keywords. Words in you page that are bolded, linked, or in a heading tag is likely given greater weighting than normal text.
  • Keep your article relatively short. About 300 to 500 words is plenty and you should place your keyword in your article about once for every 100 words or so.

These few points may seem very common but when followed they will have a powerful affect on the success of your Website.

I've learned how to increase the traffic to my blog sites by using backlinks and now I'm sharing that with everyone else.

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