There are ways to make money online without spending a dime. One of the ways to do this is by the use of internet marketing. The great thing about it is there are many directions you can take and there is a lot of money to be made. However, Affiliate Marketing is the best way to get started.
When you make money online with Affiliate Marketing you can choose any type of product you want to sell. It would be wise to choose something that you are passionate about so that you won't tire of it and will know how to sell it. In other words, if you have knowledge of the product it will be easier to promote.
Now, you may say wait a minute you said no money, so how will I advertise? The primary way is with free websites or blogs. There are several types to choose from and they are absolutely free. All you need is a computer and know basic English, that's it.
Some of the free sites you can use are Blogger,, Wordpress Direct, and Weebly. There are also a couple of free one page sites that work great for making money online and they are Squidoo and Knoll. If you're technically challenged, like I am, then you may want to go to YouTube as they have video tutorials that will show you step by step instruction on how to set up the blogs or websites.
Of course, there are a few downsides when you make money online with free sites and those are: You will need to study and research, results may take longer, and it will require some work. On the other side of the coin, internet marketing is fascinating and you will continue to learn more and more money making techniques as you go along.
As stated previously, you do not need money, but if you're willing to spend a little on purchasing a domain name and a web host you can achieve better results. I'm not talking about a lot of money, $9 tops for your domain name and that's a one time fee for 1 year and $10 a month on a web host.
To sum it up, search Google on affiliate marketing, sign up for one or more types of sites, go to YouTube for instruction on set up, if you're techie challenged, decide what it is you want to sell, make sure you research the product to see if there's a market for it, put it all together, rinse and repeat.
There are other free ways to make money online, but this one is the best.
If you want more step by step tips on how to make money online go to where you will find more free money making tools and internet marketing information to help you achieve your money making goals.
by Sonni Carr
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